
Westview Vision Statement

Westview Church is Rooted in Christ

Encountering God, Enfolding each other in fellowship, and Equipping one another for service

We Worship

In our blend of traditional and contemporary worship, we strive to create an experience that allows people from all generations and backgrounds to participate in glorifying God.

We Believe The Bible

The Bible is the inspired and authoritative story of God’s will, redemption and restoration. It guides our teaching, decisions, ministries, and character.

We Are Disciples

We believe that we are called by God to be a part of the mission to the world. Westview church works diligently to know their members, neighbors, visitors, and community partners – eagerly becoming the hands and feet of Christ.

We Are Christian Reformed 

We treasure the doctrinal standards of the Reformed tradition, maintaining a generous spirit towards other Christian traditions and celebrating that we and our world belong to God.

We Pray

Our church is devoted to individual and communal prayer which is our reverent, faithful and submissive connection to a God who listens and provides. We believe that prayer is an active dialogue between us and God.

We Reach Out

Westview desires to equip its members and leadership to influence the world in which we live by actively serving and reaching out to those around us, both locally and globally

We Participate

We encourage the broad use of spiritual gifts by every member of the Westview family. This emphasis enables us all to draw closer to Christ and serve Him better.

We Extend Hospitality

Westview is an inviting and inclusive community, striving to enfold members and guests into the full life of our church fellowship.

We Value Children and Youth

We honor our covenantal promise to raise up our children in the ways of God. We support parents, provide solid teaching, and offer an array of activities that engage fellowship with one another.

We Are Stewards

We strive to be generous with our time, talents, and treasures by supporting our members, those in need, and the greater denomination. Westview believes that God graciously blesses His people with resources to be used for Kingdom purposes.

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